مارک فایل 2

مرجع دانلود انواع فایلهای دانشجویی و تحقیقات دانش آموزی

مارک فایل 2

مرجع دانلود انواع فایلهای دانشجویی و تحقیقات دانش آموزی

پیاده سازی و شبیه سازی فیلتر پایین گذر ساده ‏RC‏ ‏با نرم افزار متلب‎ matlab

  the low pass filter only allows low frequency signals.   A simple passive RC Low Pass Filter or LPF, can be easily made by connecting together in series a single Resistor with a single Capacitor . In this type of filter arrangement the input signal ( Vin ) is applied to the series combination (both the Resistor and Capacitor together) but the output signal ( Vout ) is taken across the capacitor only. This type of filter is known generally as a “first-order filter” or & ...

شبیه سازی Stacom‏ سه فاز ‏با نرم افزار متلب‎ matlab

  This system is active front end rectifier. It keeps the DC link at reference value, 400V in this case, even if load is suddenly changes. Also power factor is controllable so can act as STATCOM too. Control is based on synchronous frame theory and 2-level inverter is switched using Sine triangle PWM technique ...