مارک فایل 2

مرجع دانلود انواع فایلهای دانشجویی و تحقیقات دانش آموزی

مارک فایل 2

مرجع دانلود انواع فایلهای دانشجویی و تحقیقات دانش آموزی

Tuberculosis in pregnancy – Case studies and a review of Australia’s screening process

Fergus P. McCARTHY,1 Shelley ROWLANDS1 and Michelle GILES21Obstetrics Department and 2Infectious Diseases, Royal Women’s Hospital, Carlton, Victoria, AustraliaAbstractFew changes have occurred in the management of tuberculosis over the past two decades and many of the recentdevelopments are in the area of diagnostics. The application of these to the pregnant population is not yet established.Two cases recently managed at the Royal Women’s Hospital, Melbourne highlight the need for cl ...

From contact investigation to tuberculosis screening of drug addicts and homeless persons in Rotterdam

Background: In early 2001 there were indications that tuberculosis (TB) was increasingly becoming aproblem among drug addicts and homeless persons in Rotterdam, after a periodical screening wasdiscontinued in 1997. A contact investigation around a homeless drug addicted man in Rotterdamwith infectious pulmonary TB is described. Contact investigation: A total of 507 drug addicts, homelesspersons, and staff of facilities for these risk groups were examined with tuberculin skin testing (TST) andche ...

Screening of Immigrants and Refugees for Pulmonary Tuberculosis in San Diego County, California

Study objectives: To evaluate the outcomes of a tuberculosis (TB) screening program for recentimmigrants to San Diego County, CA, and to compare the demographic and clinical characteristicsof pulmonary TB cases occurring in recently arrived foreign-born persons detected throughthis screening with those of similar cases found through routine surveillance.Design: Retrospective review of computer databases and medical records.Setting: Local public health department.Patients: Recent immigrants and r ...

Contact tracing and population screening for tuberculosis – who should be assessed?

Abstract Benjamin R. Underwood, Veronica L. C. White, Tim Baker, Malcolm Lawand John C. Moore-Gillon Background The aim of the study was to investigate therelative effectiveness of four strategies in detecting and preventingtuberculosis: contact tracing of smear-positive pulmonarydisease, of smear-negative pulmonary disease andof non-pulmonary disease, and screening new entrants.Methods An analysis of patient records and a TB databasewas carried out for an NHS Trust-based tuberculosis servicein ...

Architectural Design and Ethics

263 صفحه پی دی اف Preface viiBiography xiAcknowledgements xiiiChapter 1: Our collapsing global bridge 1Places 21Earth 21Air 24Water 27Fire 30Principles 33Instead of superfl uous form, make everything count 33Instead of quantity, focus on qualities 34Chapter 2: How nature suffers in the naturalistic fallacy 35Places 54Home 54Housing 57University 60School 63Principles 65Instead of throwing away, reuse or recycle 65Instead of ignoring sources, attend to the source of everything 67Chapter 3: Why hav ...

Art and the City

  List of Figures ixAcknowledgments xiiiIntroduction 1Talking art 1Encountering art 3The urban body 7SECTION 11 The future of art is urban 11Seeing the street 11Work/play 15City-specific art 22Relational art 27Relational bodies 302 Relational writing 35Spatial practice 35 Situated encounters 40Writing art and the city 42SECTION 23 Walking with Wentworth et al. 53Talking the walk 53Footprints 66M¨unster footwork 754 London playing fields 97Urban mobilisations 97Running free 110Art and pl ...

biopolis, Patrick Geddes and the City of Life

380 صفحه پی دی اف 1 “Angling for Cities!” 6The Scientist of Life 9The Economics of Nature 13The Economics of Cities 16The Order of Cities 17The Revolt against Reason 19Toward a Larger Modernism 222 Patrick Geddes’s Theory of the City 26Victorian Britain and Historical Models 28The Notation of Life 31From Individual to Communal Psychology 40Geddes’s Theory of the City: A Platonic Reading 463 The City and Geography 54Town and Country 55The Valley Section 60Edinburgh and Its ...

Cities and Design

List of figures viiList of tables ixAcknowledgements xiPart I Introduction 11 Cities, design and urban life 32 Design, designers and the resurgent metropolis 38Part II The intentional city 633 Better by design? Historical antecedents 654 The city redesigned: modernity, efficiency and equity 1005 Design for new sensibilities 129Part III Designer cities 1716 Design and affect in urban spaces 1737 Design services and the city 2028 Conclusion: toward liveability and sustainability 236References 251I ...

Cities and Fascination

  Preface ixAcknowledgements xiList of Contributors xiii1 Cities and Fascination: Beyond the Surplus of Meaning 1Heiko Schmid, Wolf-Dietrich Sahr, John UrryPart I: Revealing Fascination: Theoretical Horizons2 T he Urban Question after Modernity 17Michael Dear3 T he City is Back (in Our Minds) 33Jacques Lévy4 E motions in an Urban Environment: Embellishing the Cities from thePerspective of the Humanities 49Jürgen Hasse5 A esthetics and Design: Perceptions in the Postmodern Periph ...


472 صفحه پی دی اف این کتاب یکی از مهمترین کتاب های تاریخ شهرسازی واولین نظریه جامع درباره کیفیت شهر و لزوم توجه به آن است جین جیکوبز نویسنده این کتاب درسال 1964 است. زبان کتاب انگلیسی ...